Mr. Frank Gradisek is a past president and one of the longest tenured members of the Louisville Chapter of ASSP. In his years of service to the chapter, he has exemplified an unrelenting commitment to the Society, the Louisville Chapter and its student members. In honor of his commitment and care for student members, the Louisville Chapter has created the Frank Gradisek Scholarship (the “Scholarship”) to help one student member of the Louisville Chapter further their safety education and development as a safety professional. This $2,500 annual scholarship will be awarded to one deserving student member of the Louisville Chapter each year in Frank’s honor.
To be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must be:
- An active student member of the Louisville Chapter of ASSP;
- Actively pursuing either a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited university in occupational safety, occupational health, or closely related field; and
- Able to attend a Louisville Chapter membership meeting to accept the scholarship if selected as the recipient.
To apply for the Scholarship, students must submit the following:
- Written, personal statement that provides the applicant’s ASSP membership number and explains:
- How and/or why she/he has chosen to pursue a career in safety;
- Her or his long-term goals in the safety profession;
- How her or his membership in ASSP has impacted their education and/or career pursuits;
- What being awarded the scholarship would mean to the student.
NOTE 1: Students who have served in leadership capacities or served in other ways (i.e., a student section officer, committee chair, helped with initiatives or projects, etc.) for their respective student section (Eastern Kentucky University or Indiana University Southeast) should also include a description of such service in her or his personal statement.
NOTE 2: While there is no specific minimum or maximum length of personal statement, applicants are encouraged to keep their personal statements around three, double-spaced, 12 font pages.
- Official transcript from the student’s university from which she/he is pursuing a degree in occupational safety, occupational health or closely related field.
- At least two letters of recommendation; one of which must be from a faculty member in the occupational safety, occupational health or closely related field program.
- Students are encouraged to submit as many letter recommendations as she or he wishes to submit.
- While not required, letters from employers/supervisors who have personal knowledge of the applicant’s work ethic, integrity and professional potential are encouraged; particularly if the student worked in a safety capacity (i.e., internship, co-op, full time safety position).
- Letters of recommendation from members/professional members of the Louisville Chapter of ASSP are favorable for the student.
- Current resume.
Selection Criteria
Each year the Louisville Chapter’s Scholarship Committee will evaluate timely submitted applications and determine the recipient of the Scholarship. In evaluating applications, the Scholarship Committee will consider the following:
- Strength of GPA. While no minimum GPA is required for eligibility, the Scholarship Committee will evaluate and consider GPA as stated in the student’s submitted transcript(s). Higher overall GPA’s, and particularly higher grades in courses directly related to their degree pursuit will receive more favorable consideration.
- Strength of Letters of Recommendation. The Scholarship Committee will consider the strength of the letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation that provide more valuable information concerning the applicant’s potential in the occupational safety and health field, the student’s commitment to the study of safety, commitment to ASSP, work ethic and/or integrity will receive more favorable consideration.
- Student’s Commitment and/or Involvement with Her/His Student Section and/or the Louisville Chapter
- Student’s Efforts for Professional Development and Experience in Safety.
- Strength of the Student’s Personal Statement
Application Deadline and Submission
To be eligible for the 2022-2023 Academic year, students should submit their application to her or his ASSP Faculty Advisor on or before 11:59 PM, September 16, 2022. Faculty Advisors will forward applications to the Scholarship Committee and/or Scholarship Committee Chair.
Awarding of the Scholarship
The Scholarship Committee will convene a meeting as soon as reasonably possible after all applications have been received and determine the recipient of the Scholarship for the upcoming academic year. The winner will be notified as soon as reasonably possible after the Scholarship Committee has determined the recipient. The Louisville Chapter will present the Scholarship award (even if ceremonially) to the recipient at one of the two Louisville ASSP Membership meetings following the Scholarship Committee’s determination.
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee will be comprised of three voting members and the respective Louisville Chapter Student Section Faculty Advisors. Faculty Advisors will only serve in an advisory and/or chair position in the Scholarship Committee, and will not vote on the selection of the Scholarship Recipient. Voting members of the Scholarship Committee will be active members or professional members (not student members) of the Louisville Chapter.