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President’s Message

Fellow Louisville Chapter ASSP Members,

It is my great honor to serve as your Chapter President for the 2024-2025 term. First and foremost, I want to thank the elected members who volunteer their time to ensure the success of the Louisville Chapter. Without them, none of this would be possible. Just coming off our annual planning meeting with the Executive Committee (EC), I can assure you we have a lot of exciting opportunities for members to become engaged, grow within the safety profession, network, and give back to the community.

In order to sustain a financially stable Chapter, there are a few items that need to be addressed:

  • The Frank Gradisek Scholarship awarded amount will be lowered from $2,500 to $1,000.
  • Louisville Chapter has not raised dues in years; thus, we are proposing to raise Chapter dues $10 per member annually. The Chapter membership will have an opportunity to vote on the proposed dues increase. The rationale for raising dues is as follows:
    • We operated on a deficit the last two years
    • Operating costs continue to rise
    • Chapter cost of monthly lunches has increased – the chapter will continue to provide a free lunch to all members who attend the monthly meeting
    • Proposed increase is in alignment with Regional dues per member

We are excited to announce our first meeting will be a tour of the new Replacement Louisville VA Medical Center on 8/16/2024 that’s currently under construction. We have new and engaging topics planned for this year, but if there’s a certain topic you want to present, please reach out to a member of the EC. In addition, we welcome all members to attend our monthly meetings whether in person or virtually, become involved in chapter activities, and provide honest feedback on what your Executive Committee can improve on. With that being said, we look forward to another successful year.


Matthew McCroskey, CSP
Louisville Chapter President